Sprinkle a little magic on your day. Connect your tools, and take your daily workflow to the next level.
Browse and install extensions built by the community
Our top picks to get you started
Manage your Google calendar easily. Create events, search contacts, and check out your upcoming schedule.
AI-powered search that understands your queries and delivers precise, context-aware results quickly
Spotify's most common features, now at your fingertips. Search for music and podcasts, browse your library, and control the playback. Glance at what's currently playing directly from the menu bar.
The latest Extensions added to the Store
Provide Integration to MOCO timetracking.
Run BTT actions from Raycast
Manage USB-connected Logitech Litra Glow, Litra Beam and Litra Beam LX lights from Raycast
Morning Coffee is your Raycast extension with which you can easily organize routine web readings. Organize the websites you want to open simultaneously in your default browser and set a hotkey for launching 'Open Websites'.
Search all Y Combinator companies and get a countdown until demo day
Create, access, and modify issues and sprints.
Search, view, and copy credentials from LastPass
Interact with the Humaans platform
Manage, explore, and listen to podcasts all in one place through Raycast.
Creates a Next.js app using create-t3-app
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