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Laravel Vapor

Interacts with Laravel Vapor API
57 Installs

Raycast Extension for Laravel Vapor

This extension allows you to quickly access your Laravel Vapor data from Raycast. When searching for a project, database, network, domain or cache, you can select one and Raycast will open that item in your browser in the proper location in the Vapor dashboard.


You must first provide a API token so the extension can access your Vapor data.

You can generate a token here.

Once you have copied your API token, you can set it in Raycast when it prompts you to do so.



Switch Team

With this command you can list all the teams you own and the teams you are a member of. Laravel tracks a current_team_id and all of your data is scoped to that team. When using this command you can select a team to set as your current team. Similar to the Laravel Vapor CLI.

All the rest of the commands will be scoped to the current team, either from you selecting a team or from current team id set by Laravel Vapor.

List Projects

This command will list all the projects in your current team.

List Databases

This command will list all the databases in your current team.

List Networks

This command will list all the networks in your current team.

List Domains

This command will list all the domains in your current team.

List Caches

This command will list all the caches in your current team.


The Vapor logo is from here

To convert the SVG to PNG: qlmanage -t -s 512 -o . vapor.svg