Sprinkle a little magic on your day. Connect your tools, and take your daily workflow to the next level.
Browse and install extensions built by the community
Our top picks to get you started
Navigate and perform common actions in Proxyman faster
A fancy text generator to turn your normal text into fancy text
My IP information
The latest Extensions added to the Store
NumPad Keyboard Extension for Raycast
Raycast extension for MiniSim
Pings a domain to see if it is alive
View your courselists, grades, graphs, and individual assignments quickly using Raycast.
Control and view your Tesla
A simple counter, in the comfort of Raycast root!
Convert SVGs to base64 strings, perfect for non-SVG enabled Markdown renderers.
Smart capture anything into Obsidian
Calculate the total per person based on the Bill, Tip %, and Number of People.
View currency rates and all your accounts in monobank.
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