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Fast Chat With Phone Number in IM Apps

A Raycast extension enables faster chatting with a target phone number in IM apps like WhatsApp and Telegram, eliminating the need to add contacts beforehand.
AvatarTimon Peng
217 Installs

Fast Chat with Phone Number in IM Apps

Fast Chat with Phone Number in IM Apps

A Raycast extension enables faster chatting with a target phone number in IM apps like WhatsApp and Telegram, eliminating the need to add contacts beforehand.

Supported Apps and Bundle IDs

  • Telegram
    • Telegram for macOS (ru.keepcoder.Telegram)
    • Telegram Desktop (org.telegram.desktop)
  • WhatsApp
    • WhatsApp Messenger (net.whatsapp.WhatsApp)
    • WhatsApp Desktop (desktop.WhatsApp)

Need to Know

  • During the execution, prioritize the Phone Number that passed in, even if Use Clipboard option checked.