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Footy Report

Raycast extension to find your essential football match day info and stats
AvatarEddie Thuo
89 Installs

Footy Report

Raycast extension to find your essential football match day info and stats


⚠️ Prerequisites

This extension leverages the SportMonks Football API thus requires a valid API token to authenticate requests from a personal/organization account. You can begin by registering an account under a free plan tier here to get things running!

Bear in mind under the free tier plan, you have limited access to the amount of leagues that can be requested.


Search Team

Search Team

Search a football team by name and display all relevant data regarding recent results, upcoming fixtures and squad stats.

Test API

Test API

Trigger a simple API endpoint test using a SportsMonk API token to identify a successful response or not

Search League Standings

League Standings

View league standing by displaying position, points, wins, draws and losses

Search League Stats

🛠️ Under development


All preferences can be customized through Raycast Settings > Extensions > Footy Report

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
API KeySportMonks API token used to fetch all relevant football datatrue
Calendar NameName of the calendar on Calendar.app you wish to save upcoming fixture datesCalendartrue