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Our top picks to get you started
Anki extension for Raycast
Compress the selected images in Finder with TinyPNG.
Search and open JetBrains Toolbox projects
The latest Extensions added to the Store
Run Android `adb shell input text` command.
Evaluate Javascript (Node.js) code on-the-fly
Start a Google Meet directly from Raycast
Search Reddit, Subreddits, or within Subreddits and list the results in Raycast.
List Karabiner Elements profiles and switch between them
Search research papers on semantic scholar (semanticscholar.org)
List and quickly trigger Keyboard Maestro Macros, bringing the "Trigger Macro by Name" action directly into Raycast
Manage Pocket bookmarks from Raycast
Quickly navigate to your latest monday.com boards and create items
Pipe your selection or clipboard to custom scripts defined in any language.
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