Supercharge your coding workflow with seamlessly integrated tools
Streamline your software development process with these powerful, time-saving extensions
Work with issues, pull requests, manage workflows, search repositories and stay on top of notifications
Create, search and modify issues, manage merge requests, projects and more.
Control Visual Studio Code, Cursor & Codium directly from Raycast - Search and open recent projects, handle extensions and commands.
Adds commands to control the Alacritty terminal emulator.
Explore our full suite of Software Development tools to enhance your workflow.
Generate placeholder content
View and modify your applications
Convert a string into a branch name
Search tldr Pages - Command Cheatsheet
Test the performance and quality of your internet connection via
Bring Linear to every corner of your Mac. Create, search, and modify your issues. Stay on top of your notifications in the menu bar.
YouTrack 🔄 Raycast
Look up packages and dependency information via
Search and use fonts from Google Fonts
Search repositories on GitHub and open previously visited ones faster.
Terminate processes sorted by CPU or memory usage
Search Font Awesome icons
Generate pixel spacing increments and references in a pinch using SVGs.
Generate a random image link for given dimensions.
Search and open recent projects from Zed
A toolbox for encoding, decoding, and hashing data in the clipboard.
My IP information
Search and install Homebrew formulae
Search and open JetBrains Toolbox projects
Perform Local Inference with Ollama
Manage your Proxmox server from Raycast
Convert docker commands to docker-compose and vice versa
Interact with OpenAI's ChatGPT directly from your command bar
A quick way to generate UUIDs without opening the browser
Formats a JSON file with a selected indentation. If the JSON is stringified, it will be parsed before formatting.
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