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The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis
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Encode Base64Encode Base64

Base64 is a notation for encoding arbitrary byte data using a restricted set of symbols that can be conveniently used by humans and processed by computers. This operation encodes raw data into an ASCII Base64 string. e.g. hello becomes aGVsbG8=

Decode Base64Decode Base64

Base64 is a notation for encoding arbitrary byte data using a restricted set of symbols that can be conveniently used by humans and processed by computers. This operation decodes data from an ASCII Base64 string back into its raw format. e.g. aGVsbG8= becomes hello

CSV to JSONCSV to JSONDisabled by default

Converts a CSV file to JSON format.

JSON to CSVJSON to CSVDisabled by default

Converts JSON data to a CSV based on the definition in RFC 4180.

Decode JWTDecode JWT

Decodes a JSON Web Token without checking whether the provided secret / private key is valid. Use 'JWT Verify' to check if the signature is valid as well.

Encode URLEncode URL

Encodes problematic characters into percent-encoding, a format supported by URIs/URLs. e.g. = becomes %3d

Decode URLDecode URL

Converts URI/URL percent-encoded characters back to their raw values. e.g. %3d becomes =

Generate UUIDGenerate UUID

Generates an RFC 4122 version 4 compliant Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), also known as a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID). A version 4 UUID relies on random numbers, in this case generated using window.crypto if available and falling back to Math.random if not.

Generate QR CodeGenerate QR CodeDisabled by default

Generates a Quick Response (QR) code from the input text. A QR code is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed in 1994 for the automotive industry in Japan. A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached.

Generate Lorem IpsumGenerate Lorem Ipsum

Generate varying length lorem ipsum placeholder text.

Convert AreaConvert AreaDisabled by default

Converts a unit of area to another format.

Convert MassConvert MassDisabled by default

Converts a unit of mass to another format.

Parse Color CodeParse Color Code

Converts a color code in a standard format to other standard formats and displays the color itself. Example inputs: #d9edf7 or rgba(217,237,247,1) or hsla(200,65%,91%,1) or cmyk(0.12, 0.04, 0.00, 0.03)

Unescape StringUnescape String

Unescapes characters in a string that have been escaped. For example, Don\'t stop me now becomes Don't stop me now.

Escape StringEscape String

Escapes special characters in a string so that they do not cause conflicts. For example, Don't stop me now becomes Don\'t stop me now.

Pseudo-Random Number GeneratorPseudo-Random Number Generator

A cryptographically-secure pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). This operation uses the browser's built-in crypto.getRandomValues() method if available. If this cannot be found, it falls back to a Fortuna-based PRNG algorithm.

Convert SpeedConvert SpeedDisabled by default

Converts a unit of speed to another format.

Convert DistanceConvert DistanceDisabled by default

Converts a unit of distance to another format.

To Upper CaseTo Upper Case

Converts the input string to upper case, optionally limiting scope to only the first character in each word, sentence or paragraph.

Regular ExpressionRegular Expression

Define your own regular expression (regex) to search the input data with, optionally choosing from a list of pre-defined patterns. Supports extended regex syntax including the 'dot matches all' flag, named capture groups, full unicode coverage (including \p{} categories and scripts as well as astral codes) and recursive matching.

Find/ReplaceFind/ReplaceDisabled by default

Replaces all occurrences of the first string with the second. Includes support for regular expressions (regex), simple strings and extended strings (which support \n, \r, \t, \b, \f and escaped hex bytes using \x notation, e.g. \x00 for a null byte).

Pad LinesPad LinesDisabled by default

Add the specified number of the specified character to the beginning or end of each line

Sort StringsSort Strings

Alphabetically sorts strings separated by the specified delimiter.

Count OccurrencesCount OccurrencesDisabled by default

Counts the number of times the provided string occurs in the input.

Unique StringsUnique Strings

Removes duplicate strings from the input.

TailTailDisabled by default

Like the UNIX tail utility. Gets the last n lines. Optionally you can select all lines after line n by entering a negative value for n. The delimiter can be changed so that instead of lines, fields (i.e. commas) are selected instead.

HeadHeadDisabled by default

Like the UNIX head utility. Gets the first n lines. You can select all but the last n lines by entering a negative value for n. The delimiter can be changed so that instead of lines, fields (i.e. commas) are selected instead.

Split StringsSplit StringsDisabled by default

Splits a string into sections around a given delimiter.

Shuffle StringsShuffle Strings

Randomly reorders input elements.

Reverse StringsReverse Strings

Reverses the input string.

To TableTo TableDisabled by default

Data can be split on different characters and rendered as an HTML, ASCII or Markdown table with an optional header row. Supports the CSV (Comma Separated Values) file format by default. Change the cell delimiter argument to to support TSV (Tab Separated Values) or | for PSV (Pipe Separated Values). You can enter as many delimiters as you like. Each character will be treat as a separate possible delimiter.

Add Line NumbersAdd Line NumbersDisabled by default

Adds line numbers to the output.

Remove Line NumbersRemove Line NumbersDisabled by default

Removes line numbers from the output if they can be trivially detected.

Swap CaseSwap Case

Converts uppercase letters to lowercase ones, and lowercase ones to uppercase ones.

To Lower CaseTo Lower Case

Converts every character in the input to lower case.

Remove WhitespaceRemove Whitespace

Optionally removes all spaces, carriage returns, line feeds, tabs and form feeds from the input data.

Translate DateTime FormatTranslate DateTime FormatDisabled by default

Parses a datetime string in one format and re-writes it in another.

Get TimeGet TimeDisabled by default

Generates a timestamp showing the amount of time since the UNIX epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). Uses the W3C High Resolution Time API.

To UNIX TimestampTo UNIX Timestamp

Parses a datetime string in UTC and returns the corresponding UNIX timestamp. e.g. Mon 1 January 2001 11:00:00 becomes 978346800. A UNIX timestamp is a 32-bit value representing the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC (the UNIX epoch).

From UNIX TimestampFrom UNIX Timestamp

Converts a UNIX timestamp to a datetime string. e.g. 978346800 becomes Mon 1 January 2001 11:00:00 UTC. A UNIX timestamp is a 32-bit value representing the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC (the UNIX epoch).

Parse DateTimeParse DateTimeDisabled by default

Parses a DateTime string in your specified format and displays it in whichever timezone you choose

Extract File PathsExtract File PathsDisabled by default

Extracts anything that looks like a Windows or UNIX file path.

Extract DatesExtract DatesDisabled by default

Extracts dates in the following formats: yyyy-mm-dd or dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy. Dividers can be any of /, -, . or space

Extract Email AddressesExtract Email AddressesDisabled by default

Extracts all email addresses from the input.

Extract DomainsExtract DomainsDisabled by default

Extracts fully qualified domain names. Note that this will not include paths. Use Extract URLs to find entire URLs.

Extract IP AddressesExtract IP AddressesDisabled by default

Extracts all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Generic Code BeautifyGeneric Code BeautifyDisabled by default

Attempts to pretty print C-style languages such as C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, JavaScript etc.

MD5 HashMD5 HashDisabled by default

MD5 (Message-Digest 5) is a widely used hash function. It has been used in a variety of security applications and is also commonly used to check the integrity of files.

Syntax HighlighterSyntax HighlighterDisabled by default

Adds syntax highlighting to a range of source code languages. Note that this will not indent the code. Use one of the 'Beautify' operations for that.

Render MarkdownRender MarkdownDisabled by default

Renders input Markdown as HTML. HTML rendering is disabled to avoid XSS.

Minify JavaScriptMinify JavaScriptDisabled by default

Compresses JavaScript code.

Beautify JavaScriptBeautify JavaScriptDisabled by default

Parses and pretty prints valid JavaScript code. Also works with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

Beautify JSONBeautify JSON

Indents and pretty prints JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) code.

Minify JSONMinify JSON

Compresses JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) code.

Beautify SQLBeautify SQL

Indents and prettifies Structured Query Language (SQL) code.

Beautify CSSBeautify CSSDisabled by default

Indents and prettifies Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) code.

Minify CSSMinify CSSDisabled by default

Compresses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) code.

Diff InputsDiff InputsDisabled by default

Compares two inputs (separated by the specified delimiter) and highlights the differences between them.

To Snake CaseTo Snake Case

Converts the input string to snake case. Snake case is all lower case with underscores as word boundaries. e.g. this_is_snake_case

To Kebab CaseTo Kebab Case

Converts the input string to kebab case. Kebab case is all lower case with dashes as word boundaries. e.g. this-is-kebab-case

To Camel CaseTo Camel Case

Converts the input string to camel case. Camel case is all lower case except letters after word boundaries which are uppercase. e.g. thisIsCamelCase