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Paste as Plain Text

Paste text from the clipboard as any format.
11,295 Installs

Paste as Plain Text

Paste text from the clipboard as any format you want.

Support Formats:

  • Plain Text: Paste text from the clipboard without formatting

  • URL: Extract URL from the clipboard and paste it

    • Example: This is a URL https://www.raycast.com will be pasted as https://www.raycast.com
  • File: Extract file path from the clipboard and paste it as file

    • Example 1: File copied from Finder or other applications will be pasted as file
    • Example 2: /Users/username/Desktop/file.txt will be pasted as file in Finder or other applications
    • Example 3: Copy Image from Chrome or other browsers will be pasted as image in some applications
  • Json: Paste text from the clipboard as Json format

    • Example: {"key": "value"} will be pasted as
     "key": "value"
  • Number: Extract numbers from the clipboard and paste them

    • Example: This is a number 123,456.7 will be pasted as 123456.7
  • Markdown Link: Extract URL from the clipboard and paste it as Markdown Link

    • Example: https://www.raycast.com will be pasted as [](https://www.raycast.com)
  • Markdown Image: Extract URL from the clipboard and paste it as Markdown Image

    • Example: https://www.raycast.com/koinzhang/paste-as-plain-text/install_button@2x.png?v=1.1 will be pasted as ![](https://www.raycast.com/koinzhang/paste-as-plain-text/install_button@2x.png?v=1.1)

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