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Pick Your Wallpaper

Lets you pick a wallpaper from a folder of finder.
AvatarHugo Marfani
330 Installs
OverviewCommandsVersion History


1.0.5 - May 20, 2024

  • Improved search by making it non-case sensitive.

Moved contributor - April 15, 2024

  • No changes were made in the code.

1.0.4 - September 8, 2023

  • Added new command for setting a selected picture in Finder as a desktop wallpaper
  • Fixed the issue where the app would throw an error when trying to show the selected wallpaper in Finder

1.0.3 - August 9, 2023

  • Include wallpapers from all subfolders of the selected folder
  • Added preference to change grid display size

1.0.2 - July 31, 2023

  • Added .heic file support

1.0.1 - May 11, 2023

  • Added open in finder in action menu
  • Changed keyboard shortcuts to be more intuitive

Initial Version - May 8, 2023