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Mastodon Search

Search for People or Hashtags on Mastodon.
Dave Verwer
141 Installs

Mastodon Search

Search for people or hashtags on Mastodon! – This extension is not intended to be a full Mastodon client. Instead, it is a quick and easy way to get glanceable information about people and to navigate to pages on the Mastodon website. It intentionally does not include posting, browsing timelines, mentions, or even post search.


Written by Dave Verwer and Toby Herbert.


  • Search for people or hashags.
  • View names, handles, number of followers, and whether accounts are declared as bots.
  • Actions to visit the account profile or hashtag page or copy the handle/profile URL to the clipboard.


People Search

Account search results displayed by the extension

Hashtags Search

Hashtag search results displayed by the extension