
v1.80.0July 31, 2024

🪟 Window Layout Improvements

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We improved the recently released Window Layouts with support for multiple monitors and opening files or links. This allows you to quickly open your code editor, browser, and terminal for a specific project with a single command.

Here’s what’s new in short:

  • Multiple monitors: Position and resize your windows on built-in and external monitors.
  • Open content: Select a URL, file or Quicklink to open in your apps with the Window Layout.

To get started, use the Create Window Layout Command. Then add a few apps, assign them to designated monitors, resize the windows as you want, and select a URL, file, or Quicklink to open.

Pro tip: Assign a global hotkey to your Window Layouts to open them with a single keystroke.

💎 Improvements

  • Auto Quit: Apps will not be automatically terminated while actively playing music or using your video camera/microphone. This feature is convenient for apps like Spotify or Zoom that you may want to put on hold when not used.
  • Auto Quit: You can now choose the interval after which apps are automatically terminated. Search for an app, select "Configure Application," and set the interval. The default is 3 minutes.
  • Store: You can now see Past Contributors in the extension overview.
  • AI Chat: Send Screen to AI Chat will now send the screen containing the mouse cursor.
  • AI Attachments: Support Visual Studio Code file attachments using drag & drop.

🐞 Fixes

  • AI Chat: Search is now cleared when continuing to AI Chat from Quick AI.
  • Create Snippets: Fixed URL being pasted twice in Snippet text field.
  • Hotkey: Global hotkey now unhides app if windows are minimized.
  • Misc: Fixed bug causing macOS Sequoia beta freeze when Screen & Audio Recording alert appears.