
v1.77.0June 19, 2024

📎 AI Chat Attachments


Chatting goes beyond just text. For years, we've shared files through emails, images through messages, and links in our workspaces. Today, we're bringing attachments to AI Chat to enable richer conversations the way we used to. You can now attach files like PDFs, screenshots, images, and even tabs using our browser extension

Click the new plus button in the AI Chat composer or press “⌘ ⇧ A” to add an attachment. You can add multiple attachments and mix and match them. Or checkout our collaboration with CleanShot to send your screenshots to AI Chat the easy way. Give it a try!

🆓 Raycast Pro Free 14-Days Trial

Haven’t experienced Raycast Pro yet?! You can now try all Pro features for free for 14 days, including AI, custom themes, custom window management commands, and more. Simply search for “Upgrade to Pro” in Raycast to start the trial or visit

✨ New

  • Dynamic Placeholders: Added a new json-stringify modifier
  • Quicklink Icons: You can now set a custom icon for quicklinks. Choose from any icon in our icon set when you creating or editing a Quicklink.

💎 Improvements

  • Calendar: You can now join FaceTime and video meetings right from Raycast
  • Quit All Applications: The command now includes Raycast windows by default. You can customize this behavior in the command's settings.

🐞 Fixes

  • Window Management: Fixed window moving to next/previous desktop.
  • Switch Windows: Fixed tracking windows of apps that were launched after the initial command use.
  • Siri Shortcuts: Fixed multithreading crashes on system with a big number of shortcuts.