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Apply Inline Code

Apply inline code style in common apps and websites
AvatarAlex Ian
28 Installs

Apply Inline Code

Apply inline code style in common applications and websites


You should add a custom keyboard shortcut for Apply Inline Code before use it.


Apply Inline Code

  1. Select text in editor from supported app or browser.
  2. Press the shortcut for Apply Inline Code.
  3. Code-style should be applied to selected text.
  4. Enjoy!!

Inline Code Resource List

Support applications, websites and browsers

  • applications
    • Notion
    • Slack
  • websites
    • Asana
    • Bitbucket
    • Confluence
    • Github
    • Medium
    • Notion
    • Slack
  • browser
    • Arc
    • Brave
    • Edge
    • Google Chrome
    • Opera
    • Safari
    • Vivaldi


Custom Browser

Enable users to apply feature to their preferred chromium based browser


Due to the limitation of AppleScript (and also my skills), Firefox is currently not supported.