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Sync Folders

Sync two folders
Sync Folders

Sync Folders

A Raycast extension to quick sync folders with rsync command


This mod provides a command to sync folders with the rsync command. It provides a simple way to sync folders between two locations. Take a look at the scenarios below to get a feel for how you might use the extension.


  • Sync Folders: Sync folders between two locations.
  • Sync Finder Selection: Sync the selected folders in Finder.
  • Create Sync Folders: Create a new Sync folders preset.
  • Edit Sync Folders: Edit an existing Sync folders preset.
  • My Sync Folders: List all the Sync Folders presets.
  • Menu bar commands: Quickly access the list of Sync Folders presets from the menu bar.


Developed by Undolog.

I am open to requests for features, bug reports, and edits to the code made by the community.


Distributed under the MIT License.