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Nuxt UI

Supercharge your Nuxt UI workflow
Nuxt UI For Raycast banner
Made with 💚 for the Nuxt community

Never leave your editor to check component themes again. Access Nuxt UI documentation instantly while you code.

⚡️ Current Feature

Quick Theme Access

Jump directly to any component's theme documentation in milliseconds:

  • Select your component name
  • Trigger the command
  • Land exactly where you need to be

No more context switching, no more manual searching. Just smooth, uninterrupted development.

Ask Nuxt UI

Ask Nuxt UI for information, tips, create components, etc... with natural language, here's some examples:

  • Create a welcoming button for my users
  • How many components are there in Nuxt UI?
  • Make a faq component

Smart Configuration

Customize the component prefix to match your style:

  • Default: "U" (UButton, UInput...)
  • Fully customizable to fit your workflow

Version Support

Works seamlessly with both Nuxt UI versions:

  • Full support for Nuxt UI v3
  • Compatible with Nuxt UI v2 (you may have some issues with the component names)
  • Easy version switching in preferences


I recommend you to put the shortcut to execute the command directly on ✦ + U for example or ⌘ + U.


🚀 What's Coming

This is just the beginning. Here's what's cooking:

  • 🔍 Lightning-fast component search
  • 📝 Instant code examples
  • 💡 Smart suggestions
  • ⚙️ Quick props access


Got ideas to make this even better? Issues and PRs are welcome!

Published under the APACHE license. Made by community 💛

<a href="https://github.com/HugoRCD/nuxt-ui-raycast-extension"/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=HugoRCD/nuxt-ui-raycast-extension"" />

🤖 auto updated with automd (last updated: Fri Feb 28 2025)