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IPA Translator

Converts text to IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)
100 Installs

IPA Translator

Converts text to IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). It supports English, German, Danish, Swedish, and Czech. Includes actions to copy the translated text or the original text.

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Adding New Dictionaries

Here are the steps to add a new dictionary (assuming you have a dictionary (txt) to add):

  • Place your dictionary.txt in the original-data directory and rename it to match the following format: LANGCODE_dictionary.txt.

  • Add a new command to package.json. Again, keep consistency so it looks like all the other commands. This is how it would look:

      // This line references the file you're going to make in two steps.
      "name": "LANGUAGE-to-ipa",
      "title": "Translate LANGUAGE to IPA",
      "description": "Convert LANGUAGE to international phonetic alphabet.",
      "mode": "view"
  • Add your language to the Languages enum in src/types.ts.

  • Create a tsx file with the name set in package.json. Ideally copy one of the other languages' file and modify the language prop sent to the <CustomForm> component.

  • Add a case with your language in the language switch statement in src/form.tsx.

  • Add your new language to the top of this file amongst all the other languages.

  • Test that the command exists and works!