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Interact with Purelymail with the help of Raycast
10 Installs

Purelymail Raycast Extension

This is a Raycast extension for Purelymail. With this extension, you can quickly add or delete domains from your Purelymail account, create or delete users for your domains, create or delete Routing Rules, create or delete app passwords and Check Account Credit.

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Install extension: Click the Install Extension button in the top right of this page

  2. Get your API Token: The first time you use the extension, you'll need to enter your Purelymail API token:

    a. Sign in to your Purelymail Account at this link

    (if you don't have an account, Sign up at this link)

    b. Click Refresh API Key in your account and copy the API key

    c. Enter this key in Preferences OR at first prompt

🔧 Commands

This extension provides the following commands:

  • Add Domain
  • Create Routing Rule
  • List Users
    • Delete User
    • Modify User
  • Create User
  • Get Ownership Code
  • List Domains
  • List Routing Rules
    • Delete Routing Rule
  • Update Domain Settings
  • Check Account Credit
  • Create App Password
  • Delete App Password