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Interact with Porkbun with the help of Raycast
87 Installs

Porkbun Raycast Extension

This is a Raycast extension for Porkbun. With this extension, you can fetch latest domain pricing and create, list, edit or delete DNS records, URL Forwarding and Name Servers for API-enabled domains in your account.

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Install extensions: Click the Install Extension button in the top right of this page

  2. Get your API Key and API Secret Key: The first time you use the extension, you'll need to enter your Porkbun API keys:

    a. Sign in to your Porkbun Account at this link

    b. Navigate to API page

    c. Enter 'API Key Title', click Create API Key and copy the 2 keys Create API Key

    d. Enter API Key and API Secret Key in Preferences OR at first prompt

  3. Enable API access: You will need to enable API access for each domain:

    a. Navigate to Domain Management

    b. Toggle the "Details tab" then toggle API Access for each domain Enable API Access

🔧 Commands

This extension provides the following commands:

  • Create DNS Record
  • Delete DNS Record
  • Domain Pricing
  • Edit DNS Record
  • Ping
  • Retrieve DNS Record
  • Retrieve SSL Bundle
  • Retrieve All Domains
    • Get Name Servers
      • Update Name Servers
    • Get URL Forwarding
      • Add URL Forwarding
      • Delete URL Forwarding