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Mailboxes, Identities, Aliases, Rewrites in Migadu
26 Installs

Migadu Raycast Extension

This is a Raycast extension for Migadu. With this extension, you can View, Create, Update or Delete - Mailboxes, Identities, Aliases, Rewrites in your Migadu account.

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Install extensions: Click the Install Extension button in the top right of this page

  2. Get your API Key: The first time you use the extension, you'll need to enter your Migadu API key:

    a. Sign in to your Migadu Account at this link

    b. Navigate to API Keys

    c. Create API Key and copy the secret Create API Key

    d. Enter API Key and Username in Preferences OR at first prompt

  3. Add Domains: You will need to add each domain:

    a. Navigate to Email Domains

    b. Add the domain Add Domain

    c. Add DNS Records in your domain's DNS (or set Nameservers as Migadu Nameservers) Update Domain DNS Records

    d. Enter domain(s) in Preferences OR at first prompt

🔧 Commands

This extension provides the following commands:

  • Mailboxes & Identities
    • View Mailboxes
    • Create Mailbox
    • Update Mailbox
    • Delete Mailbox
    • Mailbox Identities
      • View Mailbox Identities
      • Create Mailbox Identity
      • Update Mailbox Identity
      • Delete Mailbox Identity
  • Aliases
    • View Aliases
    • Create Alias
    • Update Alias
    • Delete Alias
  • Rewrites
    • View Rewrites
    • Create Rewrite
    • Update Rewrite
    • Delete Rewrite

🛠️ Installation

To install this extension from the source code, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  3. Run npm run build to build the extension.
  4. Run npm run publish to publish the extension to Raycast store.