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Delete Domains, Manage Aliases, and View MailLog
17 Installs

Mailwip Raycast Extension

This is a Raycast extension for Mailwip (previously known as Hanami). With this extension, you can Delete Domains, Manage Aliases, and View MailLog in Mailwip.

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Install extensions: Click the Install Extension button in the top right of this page

  2. Get your API Key: The first time you use the extension, you'll need to enter your Mailwip API key:

    a. Sign in to your Mailwip Dashboard at this link OR Create an account at this link

    b. Navigate to API Access

    c. Generate API Key then Copy API Key Generate API Key

    d. Enter API Key in Preferences OR at first prompt

  3. Add Domains: You will need to add each domain:

    a. Navigate to + Add domain

    b. Add the domain Add Domain

    c. Add DNS Records in your domain's DNS and check records through Mailwip

    d. Run domains command and Add New Local Domain for each domain

  4. (OPTIONAL) Enable Maillog: To log emails you need to enable Maillog:

    a. Navigate to Configure in domain i.e. https://app.mailwip.com/domains/[DOMAIN_HERE]/edit

    b. Select your desired log level and Save

🔧 Commands

This extension provides the following commands:

  • Aliases
    • View Aliases
    • Create Alias
    • Delete Alias
  • Domains
    • View Domains
    • Delete Domains
    • Add New Local Domain
  • Emails
    • View Emails in Maillogs