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Currency Exchange

Simple Currency Exchange, uses Exchange Rate API as the data source
10,875 Installs

Raycast Currency Exchange extension


  • Support 161 currencies, see list: https://www.exchangerate-api.com/docs/supported-currencies
  • Support calculate expression e.g 1+2/3*4
  • Support find target currency by filter, format: ${expression} in ${filter key word}
  • Support pin your favorite currencies
  • Remember the source currency
  • Support find historical currency by date, format: ${expression} at ${yyyy/mm/dd} or use Action 'Set Currency Date' [*Attention]

* use historical currency needs Pro/Business/Volume Plan subscription, Free version does not allow query historical currency API. See detail: https://www.exchangerate-api.com/docs/historical-data-requests

If anyone find free version API for currency historical data, please contact with me!


calculate currency exchange expression exchange_based_on_expression

find target currency with filter exchange_based_on_filter

exchange with historical currency exchange_based_on_historical_currency

How to get API Keys

currency rate will be queried every 24 hours to reduce API usage.

why I create another currency extension?

There's a currency exchange function out of box in Raycast's Calculator.

  • You can type like 12 usd in gbp to show the currency exchange result.

  • You can type like 12 usd in gbp at 2022/9/25 to show the historical currency exchange result. (Need API Pro/Business/Volume Plan subscription)

In some case, when you exactly know the currency code, it works fine, but it still has some challenges:

  1. Sometimes, if you are not native speaker, you may not know the exact currency code, since it is always 3 chars like KRW, the W is from Won in Korea, not easy to understand.
  2. Some case, I want to always use a dedicate source currency, not type it always.
  3. Some case, I want to focus on a few dedicated currencies, just type number, get result. Based on above reason, I created a new one.