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Obsidian Clippings

Creates a new (opionated) clipping in Obsidian. Optionally includes the page content with an AI summary
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Obsidian Clippings

Obsidian Clippings is an opionated extension for Raycast that allows users to save things from the web directly to their Obsidian Vault. The extension will save and format the page metadata supplied, including title, sub-folder, tag(s), and comments, with the option to extract and summarize the contents of the page using Raycast AI. If the sub-folder does not yet exist, it will create it.

Currently, the format of the clipping is hardcoded, though as a markdown file it can be easily manipulated. Choosing to extract the contents of the page will download only paragraph elements for a cleaner, minimal look. Pages with no paragraph elements will only save the supplied metadata, and AI summaries will not be included.


When first using Obsidian Clippings, you must select the root "Clippings" folder to which sub-folders will be created. You can also customize the AI prompt used to generate the optional summaries.


Once you have filled out the form and submitted it, the bookmark will be saved as a markdown file in the specified Obsidian vault and folder. The file name will be in the following format: //.md. Clippings are saved in the background.

Raycast AI has a limit on the amount of tokens that can be used to request a summary. If the page exceeds this threshold it will not be summarized. While there are workarounds to this that can be built, the resulting summaries take significantly longer (20-30s+) to create.


The extension includes the following actions:

  • Create Obsidian Bookmark: Submits the form and creates a new clipping in Obsidian.
  • Open Extension Preferences: Opens the extension preferences.
  • Adjust AI Prompt: Allows you to adjust the AI prompt.


Clipping Form Formatted Clipping in Obsidian