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Open Folders

Open your common files and folders quickly!
AvatarTimothy Boye
7,781 Installs

Open Folder Raycast extension

A Raycast extension to quick open your common folders and files


This mod provides several commands centered around opening your common files and folders. It provides quite a few commands for varying uses, so there should be something for everyone! Take a look at the scenarios below to get a feel for how you might use the extension.

Not all commands will be useful to everyone. To avoid command clutter, turn off any individual commands you won't use.


Do you find you are constantly jumping into your Downloads folder or regularly need to grab a screenshot from the Desktop?

This extension provides instant access to open your Downloads, Documents, Desktop, and Projects folders through dedicated commands to take you there in Finder.

Have some other common folders located in your home directory?

The List User Folders command gives you access to view a searchable list of all folders located there and open your selection in Finder.

Been doing a lot of downloading and want quick access to search through and open those files?

Use the List Downloads command to view and search a list of all downloads in the downloads folder, sorted most recent to oldest. Or if you are just after your most recently downloaded file, use the Open Most Recent Download command to instantly open that file.

Do you have several folders and files you open regularly but they are not all stored in the same place?

Use the File Speed Dial and/or Folder Speed Dial to set upto 8 common files or folders.

Are your common folders stored in non-standard locations?

In the extension preferences you can set each of the dedicated folder commands to whichever folder you like.You can even change the folders used for the List commands as well!

Prefer lists over grids? Prefer large grid items over small?

In the extension preferences you can change the layout of the List Downloads and List User Folders commands to a List or a Grid, and when selecting a Grid you can choose any number of items wide from 3 to 8 for very large to very small items.


Developed by Timothy Boye (@timothyBoye on GitHub).

I am open to requests for features, bug reports, and edits to the code made by the community.


Distributed under the MIT License.