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React Native Directory

A searchable and filterable directory of React Native libraries.

React Native Directory

A searchable and filterable directory of React Native libraries for Raycast.


  1. Launch Raycast and type react native directory or Search React Native Libraries to execute the command.

  2. Use fuzzy search to find React Native libraries based on their names, descriptions, or categories.

  3. Apply filters to narrow down results:

    • Platforms (Android, iOS, Web, Windows, macOS, tvOS, visionOS)
    • Status (e.g., Supports New Architecture, Has examples, Has TypeScript types)
    • Type (Libraries, Development tools, Templates)
  4. View detailed information about each library in the sidebar, including:

    • Description
    • Directory score
    • GitHub stats (stars, forks, watchers, issues)
    • NPM download stats
    • Supported platforms
    • Compatibility info
  5. Use the Action Panel to:

    • Open documentation in browser
    • Toggle detail view
    • Copy installation commands (npm, yarn, pnpm, bun)
    • View on GitHub or NPM
    • Copy library name


  • Search and filter through thousands of React Native libraries
  • View detailed information about each library
  • Quick access to installation commands and repository links
  • Regular updates to ensure the latest libraries are included


Access preferences through the Action Panel or Raycast preferences:

  • Default Sort Order: Choose to sort libraries by popularity, recency, or relevance.
  • Show Detailed View: Toggle the display of detailed view in library list.
  • Default Filters: Set default platform or category filters for initial search results.

Data Source

This extension uses data from the React Native Directory project, which is maintained by the React Native community.