Roam Research
Your Roam graphs at your fingertips! Quickly search, capture and navigate your Roam graphs.
Please report any issues to
Supported Functionality
- Search across all your installed graphs or only in a particular graph
- Quick capture notes to your Roam graph without leaving your keyboard
- View a random block from your roam graph.
- Easily create Raycast quicklinks to open Roam graphs or specific pages in the graph
Getting Started / Setting up a graph
To get started with this extension, you need to set up a Roam Research graph via the "Add Graph" Raycast command.
You can follow the steps listed below or follow along with the following video:
- First of all, you need to get an API token for the graph. To get it, open the graph from
- Then go to ... > Settings > "Graph" tab > "API Tokens" section and click on the "+ New API Token" button.
- If you do not see the "API Tokens" section, there are a few possibilities:
- You might be on an older version of Roam. Please refresh/restart the tab/desktop app and click on ... > check for updates.
- You might not be the owner of the graph (Only graph owners can create API Tokens)
- The graph may be an encrypted graph. Roam's backend does not work with encrypted graphs, due to them being end-to-end encrypted and Roam not storing your passwords. If/when Roam backend supports append/quick capture for encrypted graphs, this extension will be updated to handle that as well
- Add a description making it clear that this will be used by Raycast extension. Also, in most cases, you want to change the "Access Scope" of the token from "read" to "edit".
- If the token you're using only has read permissions, you will not be able to do "Quick Capture", for example
- In the "New Token Generated!" dialog, copy the API Token using the copy to clipboard button
- Then trigger the "Add Graph" Raycast command and add the graph name and copied token to the form. Submit pressing the button or using Cmd+Enter
Screenshot of API Tokens Settings Section
This is how the "API Tokens" section in Graph Settings looks like