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Notion Page Search

Search Notion pages and open visited ones faster. No admin access required.
AvatarSadanand Singh
11,928 Installs

Notion Search Without API access token

This notion extension is for people who can NOT use regular notion API if you do not have admin access to your workplace account.

This is similar to the https://github.com/wrjlewis/notion-search-alfred-workflow extension for Alfred.

Please follow the following guidelines to setup.

Obtaining your credentials

Visit the Notion webapp and use your browser developer tools to see the network requests being made when you type in anything to the quick find search bar.

Here you'll see a request called search, check the request headers to copy the cookie value and check the request payload to copy your notionSpaceId.

Known issue: Some users have experienced issues with copying these values directly from developer tools, but have seen success by copying and pasting the values into TextEdit or a different text editor first, this probably "strips out" or removes any problematic formatting.

Get your cookie headers

They should look something like this

intercom-id-gpfdrxfd=7fcea1e2-4f73-492f-9b38-0d5fcf02cd9a; notion_locale=...

Get your SpaceId

It should look something like this:
