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Browser Bookmarks

Integrate bookmarks from Chrome, Brave, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Arc, Vivaldi, Zen or Whale.
31,179 Installs

Browser Bookmarks

Integrate bookmarks from Chrome, Brave, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Arc, Sidekick, Vivaldi, or Prisma Access.


The extension retrieves bookmarks from two sources: your browsers and their profiles. The default browser is enabled by default, while the others are disabled. You can enable them using the Select Browsers action ( + + S). This will directly get your bookmarks.

If you have multiple profiles, you can select the one you want from the enabled browsers:

  • Brave: + + B
  • Chrome: + + C
  • Edge: + + E
  • Firefox: + + F
  • Arc: + + A
  • Vivaldi: + + V
  • Prisma Access: + + P
  • Whale: + + W