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Dub Link Shortener

Dub.co is the open-source link management infrastructure. This extension allows you to shorten and retrieve your Dub links directly inside Raycast.
AvatarAndrew Qu
224 Installs
OverviewCommandsVersion History


Improvements - June 28, 2024

  • Search Links: Improved the UX, added metadata and a workspace selection accessory
  • Shorten Links: Added form options for workspace, tags, domain and improved UX
  • Replaced project slug with workspaceId as slug is deprecated now
  • Used React hooks from @raycast/utils and upgraded dependencies

Enhancement: Remove long URL in the list view for clarity - February 7, 2024

  • Take in urlKey that sets a custom short URL
  • Support arguments inline to the shorten link command

Enhancement: Remove long URL in the list view for clarity - December 21, 2023

  • Showing both the shortened & long URL was cluttering the list view, so removing the long URL for now

Enhancement: Show the shortened and long URL in the list view - December 14, 2023

  • Be consistent with the web app and show both the short and long URL for each item in the list view

Enhancement: Better feedback and UX - December 6, 2023

  • More specific language around copying to clipboard
  • Showing the shortened link as pop up text after successfully shortening

Initial Version - November 15, 2023