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Search npm Packages

Search for npm package information
AvatarZander Martineau
12,758 Installs

Search npm

Raycast extension to search and favorite npm packages

Find this extension on the Raycast store raycast-extensions is released under the MIT license. PRs welcome! Follow @MrMartineau Open in GitHub.dev

Actions for each search result


  • open the package's repository (if it is known)
  • open the package's homepage (if it is known)
  • open the package's changelog (if it is known)
  • open the package's npm page
  • open the package's Skypack.dev page


  • view the package's README in a Raycast detail view
  • view the package's bundle cost on bundlephobia.com. hit cmd + shift + enter
  • view the package's Snyk vulnerability report
  • view the package source code on GitHub.dev & CodeSandbox


  • add/remove package to/from favorites


  • copy yarn/npm install commands to clipboard
    • copy install command for preferred package manager: cmd + shift + c
    • copy install command for alternate package manager: cmd + opt + c
  • copy package name to clipboard


  • choose your default package manager. yarn, npm or pnpm
  • choose your secondary package manager. yarn, npm or pnpm
  • choose the default "open" action for a package: "open repository", "open homepage" or "open npm package page" or "open Skypack package page"
  • choose how many history items to show



