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Project Companion

Extension allowing you to add, update, delete and search your projects
152 Installs

project Companion

Create, Update, Delete your projects.

  • List all your projects with their details.
  • Add quick link to your prefer link (roadmap, design, website, etc).
  • Tag your projects status (backlog, in progress, completed, etc).
  • Search and Filter by project name or status.

How do you use it?

The Project Companion Raycast Extension allows you to manage your projects directly from Raycast. Use it to store project information like name, description, status, and links.

You can update or delete created project, and search by project name or status. The description field allows you to add more details about your project and support Markdwon syntax.

This is ideal for developers, designers, and project managers who want to keep track of their projects in one place.

