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Raycast Port

This allows you to use Raycast features out of Raycast.
89 Installs

Raycast Port

This port allows you to use Raycast features out of Raycast.



There is no view for this port. You need access then through deeplinks.

More features will be added in the future.


Launch Context Options


Type: string
Default: undefined

The prompt text.


Type: AI.AskOptions
Default: undefined

Options of AI.ask function.


Type: Parameters<typeof open>
Default: undefined

Callback with URL or path after the AI.ask. It will replace RAYCAST_PORT_AI_ANSWER with the answer.
Exmaple: https://localhost?answer=RAYCAST_PORT_AI_ANSWER


Type: Parameters<typeof exeSync>
Default: undefined

Callback with execSync after the AI.ask. The answer will be set to the environment variable RAYCAST_PORT_AI_ANSWER.

This feature is disabled by default. You need to enable it from extension preferences.


Type: LaunchOptions
Default: undefined

Callback with callbackLaunchCommand. All parameters follows the Raycast Cross-Extension Conventions. The answer will be set to callback launch context.

JavaScript Example

import { execSync } from "node:child_process";

const launchContext = {
  askPrompt: "Hello, what's your name?",
  askOptions: {
    creativity: "high",
    model: "openai-gpt-4o",

  // Callback open URL or file path
  callbackOpen: ["https://www.raycast.com/?answer=RAYCAST_PORT_AI_ANSWER", "com.google.Chrome"],

  // Callback execute shell command
  callbackExec: ['echo "$RAYCAST_PORT_AI_ANSWER" > ~/answer.txt', { shell: true }],

  // Callback launch Raycast command
  callbackLaunchOptions: {
    name: "target-command-name",
    type: "userInitated",
    extensionName: "target-extension-name",
    ownerOrAuthorName: "target-extension-author-name",
    context: {
      foo: "foo",
      bar: "bar",

const context = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(launchContext));
execSync(`open raycast://extensions/litomore/raycast-port/ai-ask?launchType=background&context=${context}`);

Shell Example

deeplink="raycast://extensions/litomore/raycast-port/ai-ask?launchType=background&context=$(jq -rR @uri <<< '{"askPrompt": "hello", "callbackOpen": ["https://example.com/?answer=RAYCAST_PORT_AI_ANSWER"]}')"
open $deeplink


  1. Please use encodeURIComponent instead of URLSearchParams due to the parsing issue of Raycast deeplinks.
  2. Rememer to add launchType=background to your deeplink for a better experience.
  3. Raycast is using enums for values like AI.Model['OpenAI_GPT4'], you might need to look into delcaration file to find out is real value. For JavaScript users, you can simply import the @raycast/api to use them.
  4. If you have any questions, you can always check out the source code of this port.
