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Control Yabai using Raycast. Requires yabai to be installed.
AvatarKrzysztof Duda
491 Installs


Run Custom Yabai CommandRun Custom Yabai Command

Run custom Yabai command

Toggle YabaiToggle Yabai

This command will start Yabai using `yabai --start-service` or stop it using `yabai --stop-service`.


Rotate the tree 90 degrees clockwise.

Mirror XMirror X

Mirror the tree on the X axis.

Mirror YMirror Y

Mirror the tree on the Y axis.


Balance the windows.


Restart yabai service.


Start yabai service.


Stop yabai service.

Layout BSPLayout BSP

Switch to BSP layout for the current space.

Layout StackLayout Stack

Switch to stack layout for the current space.

Layout FloatLayout Float

Switch to float layout for the current space.

Create & Focus New SpaceCreate & Focus New Space

Creates a new workspace and focuses it.

Focus SpaceFocus Space

Focuses the specified space.

Destroy Current SpaceDestroy Current Space

Destroys the currently focused space.