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Easy New File

Quickly create file in the open Finder window.
5,732 Installs

Easy New File

Quickly create file in the open Finder window.

Build-in File Type

  • Document: Plain Text, RFT, Markdown, Word, PowerPoint, Excel
  • Code: Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, XML, CSS, Html, SVG
  • Script: Apple, Perl, Python, Ruby, Shell


  • When use the Add File Template command, the extension will automatically detect the selected file in the front-most Finder window. How to get the file path automatically?

    1. Keep your Finder window at the front-most
    2. Select a file. (Folders will not be detected for now)
    3. Optional: You can also choose (⌃+⇧+C) and fill in the file directory manually.

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