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Control Bunch via Raycast. Bunch is a Mac automation tool.
953 Installs


Control Bunch via Raycast. Bunch is a Mac automation tool from Brett Terpstra


  • Before using this extension, you need to install the Bunch or Bunch Beta application (Download Bunch)
  • Please make sure Bunch is located in the Applications folder (/Applications/Bunch.app)
  • In the Search All Bunches command, you can use tag: followed by the tag name to search for bunches of a specific tag
  • Multiple tags can be combined using a comma (,) for OR, or a plus sign (+) for AND

More details about Bunch: Your new favorite Mac automation tool

Bunch is a macOS automation tool that takes a folder of plain text files containing lists of apps and commands to launch and provides an easy-to-use menu for triggering them.

Its intuitive syntax makes it easy to get started, and its array of features allows you to automate everything you need to work smarter and faster. Build “contexts” of apps and settings for your different modes of work and play, and switch between them with a couple of keystrokes.

It’s just plain text, but with Bunch it’s a powerful automation tool. I think you’ll like it. Learn more.