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Modify Hash

Batch modify the hash of media files, which can be simply used for uploading online disk to prevent censorship.
141 Installs

Modify File Hash

Batch modify the hash of media files, which can be simply used for uploading online disk to prevent censorship. This is a Raycast extension of modify_videos_md5.

But sometimes, just modifying the hash of the file is not enough to bypass censorship, such as manual censorship, or video content recognition technology, so I added two commands to facilitate compressing and extracting files with encryption: Zip Compress and Zip Extract.


  • Modify Hash command is used to modify the hash of the selected file, Restore Hash command is used to restore them.
  • Support file types: Video, Audio, Image, default enable Video type.
  • Support recursive traversal of the file directory.
  • Show modify file md5 log by default, turn off Show MD5 Log can save time when there are large video files.
  • Zip Compress command is used to encrypt and compress the selected file with zip, Zip Extract command is used to extract.




Turn off Show MD5 Log


Zip Compress


Zip Extract
