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Markdown Slides

Preview and manage markdown presentations

Markdown Slides

Create and Preview markdown presentations in the marp-format.

You can export an HTML-Version of your presentation by running the "Open in Browser" action when previewing a file. Use the browser's print dialog to generate a PDF.


The directory for slides is at ~/slides by default, but it can be changed in the extension settings.

Pages are separated by horizontal ruler (---) to enable compatibility with Marp by default, but it is possible set it to multiple newline characters instead.


Include local images in your markdown, includes the image files in your slides directory or an images folder within it. Then you can link to them with the following syntax:


It is possible to adjust the display size within Raycast using the ?raycast-height=200 or ?raycast-width=200 parameters within the link.

In Marp, there is a different syntax, which is applied to the link text: ![width:200px](image.jpg), so both styling solutions can be used together.


Available themes:

  • default
  • gaia
  • uncover

Original Credits: https://gist.github.com/MarcoIeni/d89c79704a9bb62b004b0f0d0a9b9bc6