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Zendesk — Search Support Center

Search Zendesk support center for articles.
94 Installs

Zendesk extension

Search through any Zendesk support center.

Extension configuration

The extension requires one item: your Zendesk base URL

When viewing your support articles online, the URL will be in the format https://support.mycompany.com/hc/en-us/articles/3600000000000-My-Article-Title. The base URL is everything after the https:// and before the /hc/ part of the URL.

Planned improvements

  • Add support for multiple locales.
  • Show previously fetched articles.
  • Allow favoriting articles.
  • Show any HTML tag with id attribute and allow copying it.
  • Add filter by support section (currently only searches all articles).
  • Add support for multiple Zendesk support center.
  • Add search for HTML string option.