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Interact with Midjourney right from your command bar
2,134 Installs


Interact with Midjourney from your command bar (requires Discord server with the Midjourney bot)

Detail view


View your creations

View and search all previous images you have created with this extension.


Generate new images

Quickly generate new Midjourney images from your command bar.


Alter images

Upscale, remix, and zoom your images.

Altering images

Export creations

Save your created images to your computer or copy them to your clipboard. Export images

How to use

This extension requires you to have a Discord server with the Midjourney bot installed in a dedicated channel. Once you have this setup, you'll need to add your personal Discord auth token, server id, and channel id in the extension settings.

Initial set-up

Note: This extension is not compliant with the Terms of Service of Discord due to using a user token. Use at your own risk.

All the preferences value will be stored locally using the Raycast Preferences API


All preferences properties list that can be customized through Raycast Settings > Extensions > Midjourney

sessionTokenSession tokenstringtrueemptyYour personal Discord token
serverIdServer IDstringtrueemptyYour Discord server id
channelIdChannel IDstringtrueemptyThe channel id of the channel on your server that has the Midjourney bot


Created by Carter McAlister