Scratchpad is simple rayacast extension to create scratchpad files in a specific folder and open it with your favourite editor.
1. Visual Studio Code
2. Sublime Text
3. Atom
4. BBEdit
5. TextMate
6. Brackets
7. Emacs (via Homebrew)
8. Vim (MacVim)
9. CodeRunner
10. TextWrangler
11. TextEdit
12. Zed
13. Cursor
1. SQL Script (.sql)
2. Markdown (.md)
3. JSON (.json)
4. XML (.xml)
5. HTML (.html)
6. CSS (.css)
7. JavaScript (.js)
8. Python (.py)
9. Java (.java)
10. C++ (.cpp)
11. Plain Text (.txt)
12. YAML (.yaml)
13. YML (.yml)
14. INI (.ini)
15. Environment Variables (.env)
16. Shell Script (.sh)
17. Batch (.bat)
18. Perl (.pl)
19. Ruby (.rb)
20. TypeScript (.ts)
21. JSX (.jsx)
22. TSX (.tsx)