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Control OK JSON with Raycast
AvatarAnybox LTD
736 Installs

OK JSON Extension for Raycast

View JSON string or file from pasteboard, show History window, run scripts or do other things right in Raycast.



View in Raycast Store

Supported Commands

  1. View from Pasteboard

    View JSON string or file from pasteboard in OK JSON.

  2. View from Selected Text

    View selected text as JSON string in OK JSON.

  3. Run Script

    Run custom scripts with pasteboard content as the input or with specified input in OK JSON.

  4. Show Scripts Panel

    Open Scripts Panel window in OK JSON.

  5. Show History

    Open Scripts Panel window in OK JSON.

  6. Reload Scripts

    Reload scripts folder in OK JSON.


Open the project in your IDE of choice and install the dependencies via:

$ npm install

To run and test the Xcode extension locally:

$ npm run dev