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Toggle Audio Input (Microphone)

Extension to mute/unmute audio input (Microphone)
AvatarQuentin Dommerc
2,716 Installs

Toggle Audio Input (microphone)

A Raycast extension to mute/unmute audio input (microphone)


The extension has a command to directly mute/unmute the audio input, but there's also a menu bar extension showing if it's either muted or not, and lets you click on the menu item to toggle its state.


Zoom users

You have to disable the "Automatically adjust microphone volume" in the audio settings otherwise Zoom will unmute the microphone everytime

Zoom audio settings


Open the project in your IDE of choice (❤️Jetbrains) and install the dependencies via:

$ npm install

To run and test extension locally:

$ npm run dev

Project structure

Inside the /src directory you will find the source files for this extension.

src/The Raycast commands
src/sharedShared functions