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Charming ChatGPT

Make chatGPT x charming x Raycast all together
AvatarQitao Yang
392 Installs

Charming ChatGPT

Make chatGPT x charming x Raycast all together

Conversation View


Deeper combined with Charming, a powerful cross-platform chatGPT client on iPhone/iPad/Mac

Hit space+cmd, select Ask Charming Question,then it will automatically sync all conversation to charming. For sure you can also view the response just on raycast.

Ask anything

Custom model

Worry about missing the conversaions?

Take it easy. It all stored in charming, just hit the return key and here waits for you.

Import locally

  1. git clone https://github.com/KittenYang/charming-chatgpt.git

  2. The extension store is slow to approve a public extension, so you can use Import Extension command just install a local extension.For this situation, you can import the output folder.





YES. We offers the tokens inside the app, Check it out and you will get rid of the worries about bans of API Key. Life is short!

🎉 Checkout Charming on Mac App Store