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Bitbucket Search

The extension allow you to quickly access repositories, pipelines and pull-requests in Bitbucket
AvatarFrançois LP
2,846 Installs


Raycast extension to search repositories, check pipelines status, open recent Pull Requests, and more to come.

Find this extension on the Raycast store raycast-extensions is released under the MIT license. PRs welcome! Open in Visual Studio Code



  • Quick access to your repositories
  • Search your recent pipelines and see their status
  • See your recent open pull requests

Getting started

  • Go to to your Bitbucket Cloud profile, under App Passwords
  • Click on Create App Password
  • Give your App password a name e.g. Raycast, and select all the read options you need (Account, projects, repositories, Pull Requests, Pipelines)
  • Store in a secure location the given App Password
  • Start a bitbucket command and fill the required fields:
    • Workspace: You can see your workspaces here, and use the slug. You can find it in the URL of your workspace: https://bitbucket.org/{organization}/
    • Account Name: You can find it here under Bitbucket profile settings > Username
    • App Password

Now you should be able to run Bitbucket commands with Raycast 🚀.


  • Use the Bitbucket Client NPM package instead of hardcoding the API
  • Show commit name in pipelines title
  • Addd pagination navigation to pipelines
  • Dashboard with overview of differents queries (PRs, pipelines, etc)
  • Extend pipelines capabilities to see logs & rerun a failed/stopped one
  • Test performances with high number of repositories (only tested with 38 until now). And if bad performances, check:
    • Add pagination navigation to repositories
    • Load all repos in background and keep a cache of all of them (as repositories are quite static resources)
    • Only keep the field needed, to reduce JSON answer size

Extension built & tested for Bitbucket Cloud

Bitbucket API resource: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/bitbucket/rest/intro/

Bitbucket Client API resource: https://bitbucketjs.netlify.app/