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Google Gemini

Use the Google Gemini from the comfort of Raycast.
AvatarEvan Zhou
9,650 Installs


Ask About Screen ContentAsk About Screen Content

Ask Google's Gemini Pro about what's on your screen

Ask About Selected TextAsk About Selected Text

Ask Google's Gemini Pro about your selected text


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Change Tone to FriendlyChange Tone to Friendly

Change tone of selected text to friendly

Change Tone to ProfessionalChange Tone to Professional

Change tone of selected text to professional

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Fix Spelling and GrammarFix Spelling and Grammar

Fix spelling and grammar of selected text

Make LongerMake Longer

Make selected text longer

Make ShorterMake Shorter

Make selected text shorter

Ask AIAsk AI

Ask Google's Gemini Pro


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AI ChatAI Chat

Chat with Google's Gemini Pro