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Open Graph

Preview Open Graph meta tags of a website
AvatarHo Yi Wei
346 Installs

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Open Graph

This is a simple Raycast extension that allows users to quickly check the Open Graph (OG) meta tags of any webpage. This tool is especially useful for developers who need to verify if the right OG tags are rendered for different pages during development, or for anyone who wishes to preview the thumbnail or other OG tag information of a website.


No additional setup is required for this extension. Simply enter a URL to fetch its Open Graph data.


  • Fetch and display Open Graph data such as og:image, og:title, og:description, etc.

How to Use:

  1. Type in the URL of the website you want to check.
  2. The extension will fetch and display the Open Graph data if available.
  3. If no Open Graph tags are found, it will inform you accordingly.


Feel free to contribute to the development of this Raycast extension. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


open-graph-1 open-graph-2 open-graph-3